Sharing or Retweeting a Testimony, and Why Testify in the First Place?


Testimony and Why:

  • We all have to clean up our acts. Whether from Judaism, Christianity or Islam.
  • There really exists Scrolls of “Why to Testify About God?”, and it is written by God Himself. I have it, and it has several reasons as to why testifying about God is very beneficial to the one giving testimony. I am going to highlight maybe 2 of the reasons why.
  • It really can start out for purely selfish motives. Example, “I am quoting you something from the Holy Scriptures for the salvation of my soul.” Although, it is of benefit to the person listening, the act of sharing that Truth benefits the one sharing it, as well. So there is a blessing for hearing it, and there is a blessing for sharing it. They are separate and unique. So, even if someone is a selfish person, they could be motivated to testify about God. But, further…
  • …with social media, there is an additional opportunity. For the person hearing it, again there is the blessing for hearing the Word or Truth, but there exists another separate and unique blessing for retweeting/resharing/reposting that Word or Truth. Those hearing it, then being able to get an additional blessing similar to the one that said it. A well thought out presentation could literally create a wave of blessings each unique without taking away from the blessings of any person involved, and all of them (blessings) descending from God. God is not indigent. That to me is powerful. (insert img – The Power of Suggestions)The Power of Suggestion4
  • Another reason to Testify about God is really born of necessity. It is not to raise some army. It really is more pragmatic than that. It is born of the need for our communities to become better places to live. You could even say that it still remains a selfish motive. Crime and criminal activity is getting out of control in our country. So, something like my Ten Commandments Awareness Campaign aims to remind people of these Laws that heal communities and lives. These Laws also create nurturing environments in which “Goodness” can be cultivated and grow. And then there is that beautiful Retweet button on Twitter; or Share button on Facebook. The Ten Commandments Awareness Campaign; the Retweet or Share buttons; the Separate and Unique Blessing of God that descend for each person in the wave; and the better and increasingly beautiful communities that emerge. Because also… (insert video of Ten Commandments Tees)
  • …God also Blesses the Land. (insert imgs – From the Land that is Clean)FromTheLandThatIsClean2FromTheLandThatIsClean

About the Tshirts and Hoodies:

Greetings of Peace,

Ten Commandments Awareness Campaign T-shirts:

Become a Zazzle Associate. Get your Associate ID. Place your Associate ID on the URL for this T-Shirts and Hoodies Collection. Forward to your local news stations and newspapers. Get 15% on all sales while cleaning up the mindset of the communities. For example, if in using social media you promoted this collection and got 10,000 tshirts sold that would mean 15% is close to $60,000. Share this post.

Prophets Moses and Aaron are important to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They were, of course, mentioned in the Torah. But also in the Gospel, when the Messiah (peace be upon him said) “I have come not to change the Torah or the Writings of the Prophets but to fulfill them.” Also mentioned in another part of the New Testament was the story of Stephen who completely recounted and summarized Egyptian Captivity in Acts 7. Also there are multiple accounts of Prophets Moses and Aaron in the Holy Quran and a thorough depiction of the Egyptian Captivity.

Therefore, the Ten Commandments are something that is dear to all 3 of the Abrahamic Faiths. It is also a healing for community life in that it creates a nurturing environment in which goodness can be cultivated.

The Ten Commandments are important to [#Men & #Women of #MeToo] #Police #Blacks #Whites #Latinos #NFL #Players #Owners #Jews #Muslims #Christians #PeaceOnEarth
Of course, moderation in all things including the Ten Commandments is Optimal for overall health of the communities. What is meant by moderation is the moderation in wanting others to comply with the Commandments. I have made T-Shirts available for purchase in various styles. They may be ordered here. Please feel free to post on your website. The only interview that I wish to give is this in writing.

Praying for God’s Peace on Earth. Sometimes we can only help within our own particular capacities to do so. Please share with as many as you can.

P.S. As the temperatures start to cool off wanted to mention that I’ve got the hoodies in different colors. Ok my post for better community. Hope it goes viral. Have a great day.

Hebrew English Collection:

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